OMG! What a week. I feel like I need to shower for 3 days and then sleep for 3 more. This week was football camp for my ds and 2 nights of team evaluations, tonight is the last night. All I did was sit and watch and I feel like I have been through the ringer, it is H O T! My son has been amazing and I am so proud of him. We did vote this last Tuesday and am very anxious for November to get here so we can make some much needed changes. As far as stitching goes, I got my order today from 123 so I can start adding the beads to my WIP. I keep saying I am going to take a pix but I always seem to forget. I really want to complete it by August 1st. My son and dh head off with the scouts this weekend to do a 7 mile backpacking overnight hike. So, it will just be and my dd. I think we will go to the Stitch Store I have heard so much about and just chill for the weekend. I can't believe school starts here in just over 2 weeks. I remember not starting until after Labor Day. Once I get the pictures from football organized, I will post a few. Till next time - stitch on!
Man, that picture turned out bigger than I wanted - LOL
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